While its a fair Craps implementation for having fun and learning the basics, its by no means an extensive trainer. Areas Id like to see improved if you want to be called a teaching tool - have audible calls for the dice rolls so beginners get use to calls like Yo-eleven, Seven Out, Craps (get rid of the explosions); properly place the odds bet behind the pass line (so beginners get use to properly placing those on the table); have the abilty to lookup bets by name in the help area; support horn, hop, and fire bets; support 3x-4x-5x odds; (and consider reworking the come/place/buy type bets so they work through the come field with a pulldown to select the type of bet [defaulted to straight come bet] - this would better simulate how the bet is made vs. touching the numbers controled by the dealer; but I do understand this is tough to implement and still keep it simple for the beginners)
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